Technical FAQ Gloveboxes

If there are any more technical questions left, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following
You should flush the system to a ppm value of <100ppm O2 with working gas (N2 or Ar or He) before starting the circulation. You will need approximately 11 times the box volume of purge gas to achieve 100ppm O2 (depending on the installation and purge method, the required gas volume may vary). This corresponds to approx. 1 bottle (50 litres) per m3 box volume.
You need approx. 1/3 bottle (50 litres) of regeneration gas with a concentration of 2%-5% H2 in Ar or N2 to carry out the regeneration. The regeneration consumes approx. 3500l from the 50 litre bottle (approx. 70-80 bar). If you have selected the regeneration gas concentration <5%, the required regeneration gas quantity will increase to approx. 7000l.
Regeneration should be performed when the value of O2 or H2O exceeds the required value (ppm value where the product/process will not be damaged) in the box. It should be done about every 3-6 months.
Please make sure that the box has an O2 value of <100ppm before starting regeneration. If this is not the case, rinse the system to an O2 value of <100ppm. The box gas is used to fill the reactor copper molecular sieve (RKM) after evacuation for cooling and should have a low oxygen value.

When the regeneration is started, a pop-up window appears with the question "Are you sure you want to regenerate? The regeneration can be aborted with "NO". If you have selected "YES", you will subsequently be prompted to check the regenerating gas flow.

From this point on, you can no longer completely interrupt the regeneration and circulate it again via the Reactor Copper Molecularsieve (RKM).
Depending on the software version, the complete regeneration runs through or the next step to abort the regeneration is started.
You can read the remaining regeneration time on the "Status" page in the regeneration gas menu.

Even if the replenishment gas cylinder does not contain the required quantity of replenishment gas or is empty, you must allow the replenishment process to run through.

The system will not be damaged if a regeneration without gas has been started accidentally. The regeneration cycle must be completed, otherwise the corresponding Reactor Copper Molecularsieve (RKM) will be locked.

The analyzer needs a constant gas flow to measure correctly. Without the circulation of the box atmosphere, there is no gas flow across the sensors, which is why they measure incorrect values.
1 kg activated carbon (Art.-No. 1516020) can hold approx. 100 ml solvent.
The internal solvent filter (Art.1513001) has a capacity of 1 kg activated carbon. Depending on the solvent used, it should be replaced every month.
The external solvent filter (Art.1500326) has a capacity of 5 kg activated carbon. Depending on the solvent used, it should be replaced after 3-6 months.
The external solvent filter (Art.1500322) has a capacity of 8 kg activated carbon. Depending on the solvent used, it should be replaced after 3-6 months.
This is a good sign. It shows that the regeneration is working properly. During regeneration, the Reactor Copper Molecularsieve (RKM) is heated and the stored H2O is rinsed out. This condenses and partially precipitates in the flow meter.
This error means that the electro-pneumatic valves on the top of the filter column (RKM input/output) are not fully open or closed. Usually this is caused by an empty gas cylinder or too low pressure of the working gas supply. Please set the pressure to 6 bar. If this does not help, it will be necessary to change the gas cylinder.
As working gas, you can use nitrogen, argon or helium. The pressure should be at 6bar, an appropriate pressure reducer with an appropriate setting range for reducing the gas cylinder pressure is required.
A concentration of 2%-5% H2 in 95-98% Ar/N2 (depending on the type of working gas) can be used as regeneration gas (mixed gas). The pressure of the regenerating gas should be at 0.3 to 0.4 bar, a corresponding pressure reducer with a corresponding setting range for reducing the gas cylinder pressure is required.
A power failure will not damage the system. In the event of a power failure, all system valves close.
Once the power failure has been rectified, the system reboots to the level of the system at which the power failure has occurred. Depending on the software version, the system can continue in the step it was in during a power failure when regeneration is started. Otherwise it starts the regeneration gas process from the beginning.
The oxygen analyzer is maintenance-free but should be calibrated for production plants for the first time after 15 months and then every 12 months.
The water sensor should be cleaned according to the system message (every 2000 hours) and re-passivated with 85% phosphoric acid. Then reset the hour counter to 'zero' (see description in the user manual). The water analyzer should also be calibrated regularly in production systems.
A standard calibration takes about 2 weeks. If you are not able to bridge this period without an analyzer,we are happy to offer you exchange and/or rental devices. You will find information on this in the spare parts catalogue under analyzer.
It is not necessary to connect cooling water. If possible (heat exchanger installed in the gas cleaning system) it reduces the temperature in the glove box and results in a more pleasant working temperature.
The system must be connected to an exhaust air system depending on room air and ventilation. In the event of a glovebox operation with a 50l gas cylinder, up to 10,000l of gas can flow into the premises. With a tank supply, however, much more.
If dangerous substances are used, a connection is recommended. The connections should be at the vacuum pump, the purge outlet valve, the regeneration gas outlet, the overpressure protection valves and, if purge valves are used, at their outlet valves. The specification of the exhaust air system is given in the user manual.
Check the frequency converter in the electrical cabinet of the gas cleaning unit. The error code is listed in the user manual. A 'reset' on the frequency inverter resets the error message. Another possible cause may be that the fuse or the motor protection switch has tripped it. In this case, please switch on again. If the fault occurs repeatedly, it may be due to dirty box dust filters or a damaged circulation fan.
MBRAUN does not offer a Wifi connection for the myMBraun app. The reason for this is that MBRAUN needs to know your (secret) Wifi password, which is normally not known. We recommend to buy an ordinary Wifi router, connect it to the Wifi network and connect it to the Ethernet port of the glovebox. If you have only one IP address and wants to connect several gloveboxes, we recommend using a network switch that can handle NAT (Network Address Translation). In any case, the administration should be done by your IT department.

If possible, the glovebox should be left powered on and circulating (please see our previous post). However, if you need to turn the system off, proceed as follows:

  • Place sensitive materials in large and/or small antechamber. If it does not harm the materials, we recommend evacuating the antechamber.
  • Turn off circulation, and if existing, box cooling.
  • Set the box pressure working limits to 10mbar and 14mbar on the control panel and bring the box to working pressure accordingly. The box should remain in this pressure area for approx. 15 minutes.
  • Switch off all functions that are still active via the control panel or the controls.
  • Now switch off the system, i.e. main switch in position "Off".
  • Close gas supply to glovebox

If your Oxygen Analyzer does show too high ppm values or does not change the displayed value at all. What might be wrong?

Please check if you do have higher concentrations of volatile, Oxygen-containing, or corrosive substances in the glovebox?

Please make sure you do not have any leakage in the box. Did you check your gloves for holes?

If your Moisture Analyzer does not change the displayed value at all - frozen value. What might be wrong?

Please check if your analyzer head is dirty or completely dry (no phosphoric acid left).

You do not know how? Please check out our How-To video to clean and get phosphoric acid back on the sensor head.

If your Solvent Analyzer does not change the displayed value at all � shows permanent 0 ppm. What might be wrong?

Please check if your analyser is still full functional and place an alcohol pad in front of the analyser head. An immediate change of the ppm value should be visible.

You do not have a pad please ask at for a free sample or order (item-no. 2612298).